So, this past week was spent traveling with my mother and brother through the deserts of CA, AZ and NM. Let me tell you there was a LOT of sun to see. New Mexico seems to have made one of the most impressive efforts to utilize this. On the outskirts of Taos, NM are what is known as the Earthships. These are half underground homes that run fully on solar power. Although they may look to some like "Tellytubby" homes they are in fact highly functional and even made from natural recycled materials.
The Earthship homes in Taos, NM have are an attractive tourist destination because they are such a wonder. The homes pride themselves on the independence they obtain through being self-sufficient and sustainable homes. They are insulated by "adobe" which is a mudlike concrete from the earth around them, which is how they obtained their names. Their attractiveness caught on so much that the Earthship company started in Taos, NM built their first home in the UK in 2004.
The link I have provided to the Earthship website above lets you know all about how you can start on your very own Earthship home. The prices average around $200 per sq/ft of home. You can customize these homes in any way you would like to suit your needs. Check it out!