Friday, July 17, 2009

The Future

The other day I was discussing the ways in which solar power is used in our current world with my mother after seeing a commercial for a solar powered "Fan-Hat" (see video ).

We theorized that all cell phones should be able to recharge in the sun, similar to a solar powered calculator. This would help me because I always seem to lose battery power when I need my cell phone the most. Upon this magnificent idea I began to do some research to see if this was actually a possibility.

I found that Samsung has come out with one of the most "GREEN" cell phones possible. The phone itself is made from mostly recycled materials, boasts a user friendly design and can charge in the sun!! The phone even has a pedometer built in, showing you how much C02 emissions you are saving by walking versus driving.

This phone named, the "Blue Earth", should be unveiling the later portion of this year. Look for it!

Click here for actual article on the "Blue Earth".

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Solar Powered Computing

To make the ability to access computers easier Scott Johnson of GNUveau Networks is reducing the wattage that the average computer would need by making them solar powered! Why not access the most accessible resource (THE SUN!) to make the computer more available in areas that do not necessarily have the infrastructure to support the standard computer. He builds these computers out of Daytona, Florida and already has provided some remote areas in Africa with his services.